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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting - August 24, 2010 @ 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present: Cramer, Henderson, Hovious, Kaley, Wilson, and Wright
Staff: Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The Public Meeting was called to order at 6:05pm

Public Participation – None.

New Commissioner:  Adria Henderson was welcomed to the Commission.

Correspondence – Commissioner Hovious discussed an e-mail regarding Mr. Rau resigning from the EDC.  

Approval of MinutesCommissioner Wright motioned to approve the minutes of August 10, 2010.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved as amended.


Tech Park IWC Application – Commissioner Wright discussed the Inland Wetlands Commission meeting and said the updated plans for the Tech Park have addressed the concerns of the Conservation Commission.  The maps were reviewed and the open space, conservation easements and mowing were discussed.  

Al’s Trail Mapping – Commissioner Hovious spoke with Pat Barkman regarding this.  Ms. Barkman feels that the loop trails are likely more popular than through hiking trails and development of the loop trail maps are helpful to hikers.  They will be considered supplemental maps.  Ms. Hazen will check on the pricing of the previous maps for Al’s Trail.  This will be tabled until pricing is determined.


IW #10-21 Cold Spring Road Dam Repair V2 – Commissioner Hovious noted this is the same application proposed in 2009.  Commissioner Wright felt it was better to remove the dam and allow it to turn into a stream.  Commissioner Cramer feels the same objections from the last application hold.  Commissioner Hovious said Mr. Nagy’s application for a permit to fix the dam was denied by the DEP.  Commissioner Hovious will re-date the letter and send to Ms. Hazen for the Inland Wetlands commission.

Owl Boxes – Commissioner Cramer said the screech owl boxes have been brought to the Land Use Agency office by Larry Fisher.  She will contact Mr. Fisher to ask about how they should be installed.  Volunteers are needed to monitor them.


Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress – Commissioner Wright said that the files are incomplete with a great deal of information missing.  Commissioners Hovious and Wilson met with Kevin Kohn from Taunton Lake Association and Paul McNamara from the Newtown Fish and Game Club regarding the open space parcel on Taunton Lake.  Concerns over the Milfoil were discussed and private boats paddling through the Milfoil.  The use of the open space was discussed as well and Mr. Kohn and Mr. McNamara were reassured that the Conservation Commission saw this parcel as having limited use with a parking pull-off large enough for two cars. The commissioners discussed concerns over 12 privately-owned boats still being on the open space.  Commissioners Wilson and Hovious will ask the Highway Department and/or the First Selectman about installing no parking signs.  

b.      Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status and Selection – The commissioners will walk Pole Bridge reserve on Saturday at 9:00 am.  

c.      Status of the Forest – Preliminary information on the three open space parcels to be reviewed for management (Pole Bridge, Grady, and Brook Heights) have been sent to Professor Mark Ashton at the Yale School of Forestry.  The subcommittee will meet with him in Newtown on Friday, September 10th to discuss the project.  All are invited to attend.  Commissioner Wright motioned to allow Commissioner Cramer to pursue the assessment of the properties up to $3,500.00.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Wilson.  Motion approved unanimously

Public Education Sub-Committee Report

a.      Invasives Working Committee Report – Invasive removal sessions have continued on various parcels of Town open space land.  An educational PowerPoint presentation in is in the final stages of preparation. The First Selectman will issue a proclamation declaring September to be invasive removal month.  The commission will arrange for publicity around bittersweet vine removal in particular.  The commissioners discussed sandwich boards and posters.  The commissioners were asked to come up with a catchy phrase.  Posters can be put up in Grocery stores, etc.  Commissioner Wilson will get approval to remove invasives in Rocky Glen State Forest.  Pictures of Winged Euonymous on Al’s Trail (and also on Tunnel Road) were sent to Logan Sedack, State Invasives Coordinator.

Natural Resource Inventory Update Status Report – No update.

IWC Hawleyville Railroad Project Hearing – The Inland Wetlands commission approved the mitigation portion of the application, but denied the extension of the spur.  

Proposed Ordinance for Open Space Tax Relief – Commissioners Wilson and Hovious will appear before the Legislative Council on September 1st to present the draft tax abatement ordinance.  Commissioner Wilson spoke with Wes Thompson from EDC about possible support.  He will discuss this at EDC’s August 24th meeting.  Commissioner Wilson is working on gathering Danbury’s experience with their tax abatement ordinance.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm